The Purchase Fire Department responded seamlessly to 723 calls for service throughout our district and within our automatic/mutual aid areas in 2021. The past year proved to be one of our busiest years in our 83-year history. Amid a global pandemic, severe storms including Tropical Storm IDA which severely devastated our area our membership stepped up to the challenges faced. The past year was filled with many victories and triumphs, such as lives saved, goals accomplished, and awards received.
A few accomplishments achieved in 2021:
• We have updated and improved automatic aid agreements with nearby Fire Departments & will continue to in 2022. • Purchased new portable radios for our firefighters to communicate effectively at emergency scenes. • In July 2021, our First Responder Program was initiated, and firefighters now respond to medical emergencies in the event an ambulance responds from a neighboring area. • Purchased new swift water PPE & rescue equipment to better prepare us for severe storms. • Provided Birthday drive-by’s for children & provided Fire Prevention to over 300 students at 5 different schools.
Training: Our firefighters participated in hundreds of hours of In-House Training; New York State Training Classes, attended various training opportunities including training at the Westchester County Fire Training Center, Westchester County Airport, New York State Chiefs Convention as well as joint drills with our neighboring Fire Departments.
Apparatus: In January 2021, Engine 241 a Seagrave Pumper was placed into service and serves as our First Due Engine Co. Engine 241 responded to various Fires & Emergencies throughout the Sound Shore Area during 2021. In late 2021, Ladder 53 a Seagrave Force Aerial Ladder was delivered and replaced Tower Ladder 53. This ladder will be placed into service early this year. A new Chevy Tahoe Command Vehicle will be placed into service in 2022.
As we transition into 2022, we will rely on many of the learned skills and established relationship’s that helped us navigate 2021. We look forward to high expectations of improving our department and keeping our residents safe. On behalf of the Officers & Members of the Purchase Fire Department we would like to wish everyone a Happy & Healthy 2022! |